Question asked in Mahalo Answers:
>You haven't really stated a problem...why is this a problem?
So yes, in the limited time we have on earth if "humanity" does not have a unified database that's not a problem but the lack of human genome database was not a problem either
What is the benefit to the individual? There is no immediate benefit to the individual. The individual who buys a number simply plants a seed for the freedom of future generations.
> We can't get nations to share airspace and oceans.
Who is "we?" This is the point. Nations are not human; nations are the unhuman. War is how nations make love to each other. Human individual is the casualty. The individual has no power not to go to war because he is a number in the identity database. For the nation a human being is nothing more than a number. If you pencil in a number on a piece of paper and then erase it, you feel nothing. You don't feel you killed a number. This is the same for the nations. Why are nations in the database business? Nations should not own the ID number of the individual. The individual should own it.
>A central repository of personal information will be the _end_ of privacy. Not the beginning.
Why? Today a corporation collects and owns your personal credit card information and sells that information to third parties without your consent and knowledge. Is this an acceptable situation? I believe this is the definition of slavery.
>Calls to this central database would be unthinkable...
I don't agree with this argument. Just a few years ago a database of the size of Google was unthinkable. The computer NASA used to put people on the moon was not more powerful than some calculators that are sold on supermarkets today. Technical difficulty should not be an objection.
>. . . If data like this can't be kept in a central repository...I'm not seeing how a global database of personal (private) information can be contained.
What is the objection to saving your personal information on your personal computer? When someone requests your private information you sell them as much or as little as you like.
>Sounds like an empty get-rich scheme to me.
No. This may be idealistic but it is not a get-rich scheme. In the campaign I made sure to state that the money earned by selling the first 5 numbers will go to setting up a corporation. So if you like the idea, or anyone who likes the idea, you go ahead and pledge your $100. When there are 5 people pledging we set up the corporation. If you wish you get to be a board member. How is this a get-rich scheme. I, or anyone else, will not handle any cash.
>My 2 cents.
Thanks, this was helpful. Mahalo Answers Rock! I choose as the best answer and copy this on my blog. Thanks again.
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